I’m a kinda from a rural area, and I grew up with a kinda regressive background, which in-turn affected me a lot. About my back ground, how I was raised and my education impacted my own viewpoints, helped me to develop independent thought process through reason and scientific temper and that’s how i started challenging the things. And also I’ve noticed how important it is to know yourself. In order to teach something others.
Though my high school classes were so welcoming to me it also was a place where i had to check important aspects of my identity had to be, suppressed in those spaces. And you know the big question for me, has been why can’t schools be places where students want to be? You know, at that time i was immersed in Agriculture and started exploring it. But the point is much of who i was had to be checked at the door when i arrive at school and you think about what happen in my school, i have always wondered why as adult and why teachers have not been well trained, or don’t see the value of really trying to bridge outside of school experience and interests of me with what were trying to convey inside of school.
And, also at that time i was so curious to make something and looked for somebody who could help me and guide me in the right direction for something I want to make and I am hoping to learn more although I didn’t found anybody. The school I went is mostly centered in a rural area and hence it’s not a place for me to find comfortable to make things or learn something new.
These situations made me to create an environment in schools. Where students can perform hands-on activities. Whether it be growing food, milking a cow, building basic drone or robot to carry out science experiments and motivating the students towards Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths With the help of some of my friends till now I organised two Talk cum Hands-on sessions on UAV’s the session aims to be the first step in helping learn about ‘Unmanned Aerial Vehicles’ by building, flying, crashing and flying again by applying the maths and physics concepts they have in their syllabus and onother session on Astronomy through Computational Tools a short introduction to Astronomical image processing and planning to organise much more in coming months.