Open Instruction Set Architecture Based Microprocessors and Microcontrollers

This semester we have microprocessor & microcontroller and computer architecture courses and these two courses were interlinked to each other and have some common topics as well, these courses were product centric. In these courses we learning mostly about Intel 1970’s 8086 processor architecture and these courses syllabus were completely based on literature review, instead it would be good if syllabus focus on present and future applications of the current and past literature.

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Finally, De-googlified! All Happies :)

After participating in as many collective learning activities as peer learning, Knowledge transfer sessions, Crypto parties, hackathons at swecha, and when I got to know about what Surveillance Capitalism, mobile freedom was? Then I started looking at some articles, blogs written by people at swecha on topics like “what are the steps one can take in the privacy direction?”.

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ROS + Docker

Intersection between ROS & Docker, development tools and strategies to advance robotic software design and deployment by utilizing advances in Linux containers.

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